Prof. Dr. Vera (Ivanovna) Zabotkina
Vice-Rector for International Innovative Projects,
1988 – 1992 Postdoctoral research (Dr. hab) in English Linguistics /
09.1973 – 10.1998
10.1988 – 02.1992 Moscow Torez Institute of Foreign Languages (
02.1992 – 09.2006
01.1993 – 2008
2008 – 03.2010
03.2010 – present time
09.1998 – 2010 Warmia and Mazury University (
1) Coordination of all the international projects; international strategy of the University, including UN (UNESCO, UNICEF, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus Plus, Tempus, 7th Framework). As the Tempus expert in the field of higher education is responsible for the following areas: QA, the Three Cycle System, Qualification Frameworks, Tuning, Recognition of degrees and programmes, ECTS and the Diploma Supplement.
2) Coordination of all the activities of the Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies.
Training abroad:
1996 –
2001 –
Membership in international editorial boards:
Membership in national research bodies:
Membership in professional bodies:
IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language),
LATEUM (The Linguistic Association of the Teachers of English at the
IPRA (International Pragmatic Association),
IAUPE (International Association of University Professors of English),
Association of Linguistic Education in
NATE (National Association of the Teaching of English),
CogSci (Cognitive Science Society),
ICLA (International Cognitive Linguistics Association),
SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea / The Linguistic Society of
ISSILK (International Society for the Study of Interactivity, Language, and Cognition);
DLG (Distributed Language Group);
Associate member of the
AISB (The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behavior).
Participation in international projects on higher education:
2011-present – Coordinator of the project 'The Integrated Information-Analytical System for American Studies in Russian, Russian Studies in the US' (Kennan Institute and Russian State University for the Humanities)
EU projects:
a) Tempus projects:
2012 – Contact person of the Tempus project 'Independent Quality Assurance model for degree programmes in Russia (IQA)' 530663-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE-TEMPUS-SMGR
2010 – present – Contact person and coordinator of subject area group 'Languages', Tempus project 'Tuning-Russia' 511135-TEMPUS-I-2010-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR
2004–2007 – Coordinator of the Tempus project ‘
1994–1997 – Contact person of the Tempus project ‘Updating and upgrading of the English language teaching and teacher training’ at
1998–2001 – Contact person of the Tempus project ‘Education for sustainable development in the Kaliningrad Region’
b) Erasmus Mundus projects:
UN projects:
British Council projects:
Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) project:
Participation in Selecting Committees:
Projects of the Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies:
Over 200 publications on the problems of cognitive linguistics, English vocabulary growth, changes in the conceptual worldview of the English and Russian speaking communities, dynamics of conceptual metaphors of time, pragmatics, semantics.
The major publications:
Zabotkina V. I. (2014) (forthcoming). Methods of cognitive analysis of word semantics (corpus-computer approach). (Ed.)
Zabotkina V. I. (2012). Слово и смысл (Slovo i smysl / Word and sense). Monograph. Published by
Zabotkina V. I. (2012). Россия: изменяющийся образ времени сквозь призму языка (Rossiya: izmenyayushchijsya obraz vremeni skvoz’ prizmu yazyka /
Zabotkina V. I. (1989). Новая лексика современного английского языка/прагматически аспект (Novaya leksika sovremennogo angliiskogo yazyka / pragmaticheskii aspekt (New Lexicon in English / pragmatic aspect). Published by Vyshaya Shkola.
Zabotkina V. I., Stepanov G. M. (1982). Неологизмы в современном английском языке: учебное пособие (Neologizmy v sovremennom anglijskom yazyke: uchebnoe posobie / Neologisms in modern English language). Published by
Zabotkina V. I. (2014). «Влияние когнитивно-дискурсивной парадигмы на развитие прагмалингвистики» (Vlijanie kognitivno-diskursivnoj paradigmy na razvitie pragmalingvistiki / The impact of cognitive-discourse paradigm on pragmalinguistics). Когнитивные исследования языка (Kognitivnye issledovanija yazyka / Cognitive studies of language). Issue 17. Актуальные проблемы взаимодействия мыслительных и языковых структур (Aktual'nye problemy vzaimodejstviya myslitel'nyh i yazykovyh struktur / Key issues of intellectual and linguistic structures interaction). Collection of academic papers. Published by The
Zabotkina V. I. (2013). «Когнитивная лингвистика в науках когнитивного цикла/ Когнитивные исследования языка» (Kognitivnaya lingvistika v naukah kognitivnogo tsikla / Kognitivnye issledovaniya yazyka; Cognitive linguistics in the cognitive scienses / Cognitive study of a language). Issue 15. Механизмы языковой когниции (Mehanizmy yazykovoj kognitsii / Mechanims of language cognition): Collection of academic papers. Published by The
Zabotkina V. I., Pozdnyakova E. M., Kotov A. A. (2013 August). Social interaction and cognition: from L. Vygotsky and M. Bakhtin tradition to computer agent’s interactivity. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Zabotkina V. I., Boyarskaya E. L. (2013). «Sense disambiguation in polysemous words: cognitive perspective». Psychology in
Zabotkina V. I. (2013). «Интеграционный вызов в когнитивной науке: возможные пути решения» (Integratsionnyi vyzov v kognitivnoi nauke: vozmozhnye puti resheniya / Integration Challenge in Cognitive Science: possible ways of solution). Vesnik RGGU, series “Informatika. Matematika.” Academic periodical, issue 14. Published by RSUH,
Zabotkina V. I. (2012). «Динамическая концептуальная семантика метафоры времени» (Dinamicheskaya kontseptualizatsiya semantiki metafory vremeni / Dynamic conceptual semantics of metaphor of time). Published by Makspress.
Zabotkina V. I., Konnova M. N. (2012). «Conceptual metaphors of time in German and English cultures». Präsens: collection of papers / under the general editorship of E. I. Pivovar; executive editor: V. I. Zabotkina; introduction by V. I. Zabotkina, E. M. Pozdnyakova. Published by OLMA Media-Group Publishers.
Zabotkina V. I., Boyarskaya E. L. (2012). «Cognitive modeling of sense disambiguation in polysemous words». Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual and Society, Vol. 6. Published by Info Invest Ltd. pp. 254-265.
Zabotkina V. I. (2012). «The contribution of Russian scholars to the interdisciplinary cognitive research». Abstracts from the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science (June 18-24, 2012). Vol. 1.
Zabotkina V. I. (2011). «Semantic innovations in Lexicon: cognitive-pragmatic interface». Editors: L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, T. T. Shipley. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Zabotkina V. I. (2010). «К вопросу о когнитивной антропологии» (K voprosu o kognitivnoj antropologii / Towards cognitive anthropology). В пространстве языка и культуры (V prostranstve yazyka i kul’tury / In language and culture space): Collection of papers on occasion of V. A. Vinogradov’s 70th anniversary. Published by Yazyki Slavianskih Kul’tur.
Zabotkina V. I. (2010). «Мультимодальный дискурс как воплощение новой модели порождения знаний» (Mul'timodal'nyj diskurs kak voploshchenie novoj modeli porozhdeniya znanij / Multimodal discourse as implementation of the new model of the knowledge generation). International congress on cognitive linguistics: collection of papers (September 29th – October 1st, 2010). Executive editor: Boldyrev N. N. Tambov.
Zabotkina V. I., Bojarskaja E. L. (2010) «Явление полисемии и категоризирующая деятельность сознания» (Yavlenie polisemii i kategoriziruyushchaya deyatel'nost' soznaniya / Polysemy and categorizing activity of the mind). Когнитивные исследования языка (Kognitivnye issledovaniya yazyka / Cognitive study of a language). Issue 7. Типы категорий в языке (Tipy kategorij v yazyke / Types of categories in a language): collection of academic papers. Moscow-Tambov.
Zabotkina V. I. (2010). «Некоторые тенденции развития когнитивных исследований в России» (Nekotorye tendentsii razvitiya kognitivnyh issledovanij v Rossii / Latest tendencies in cognitive research in
Zabotkina V. I. (2009). "Cognitive basis of semantic changes”/ “Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages”. Collection of the papers selected from the CIL 18, held at
Zabotkina, V.I. (2009). Multilingualism for sustainable development in the 21st century. In: International Congress of UNESCO Chairs on Education for Sustainable Development, 17-19th September
Zabotkina V. I. (2008). «Когнитивные аспекты английской неологии» (Kognitivnye aspekty angliiskoi neologii / Cognitive aspects of English neology). Язык. Культура. Общение. (Yazyk. Kul’tura. Obshchenie. / Language. Culture. Communication.). Published by Gnosis.
Zabotkina V. I. (2007). «Семиотические аспекты представления знаний в семантической структуре слова» (Semioticheskie aspekty predstavlenija znanij v semanticheskoj strukture slova / Semiotic aspets of knowledge representation in the semantic structure of the word). Materials of a round-table discussion «Problems of knowledge representation in language: current research trends».
Zabotkina V. I. (2007). «Роль прагматической инференции в процессе развития нового значения слова» (Rol' pragmaticheskoj inferentsii v protsesse razvitiya novogo znacheniya slova / The role of pragmatic inference in new meaning development). Язык и действительность (Yazyk i dejstvitel'nost' / Language and reality): collection of academic papers in memory of V. G. Gak. Published by Lenant.
Zabotkina V. I. (2007). «О соотношении прагматического и когнитивного в дискурсе» (O sootnoshenii pragmaticheskogo i kognitivnogo v diskurse / Pragmatics and cognition in discourse). Vestnik of Kant RSU. Published by Kant RSU.
Zabotkina V. I., Runova N. V. (2006). «Когнитивные механизмы образования новых метонимических значений (на примере новых существительных в английском языке)» (Kognitivnye mehanizmy obrazovaniya novyh metonimicheskih znachenij (na primere novyh sushchestvitel'nyh v anglijskom yazyke) / Cognitive mechanisms of new metonymic meanings development (by the example of new English nouns)) Vestnik MGLU, issue No. 532 «Теория и практика лексикологических исследований» (Teoriya i praktika leksikologicheskih issledovanij / Theory and practice of lexicological research).
Zabotkina V. I. (2006). «К вопросу о динамической концептуальной семантике» (K voprosu o dinamicheskoj kontseptual'noj semantike / Towards dynamic conceptual semantics). Пелевенские чтения (Pelevenskie chteniya / Pelevin readings). Interuniversity collection of academic papers. Published by Kant RSU.
Zabotkina V. I., Konnova M. (2006). Dynamics of the time concepts in the English and German cultures. Europaeische Begegnungen. Beitraege zur Literaturwissenschaft, Sprache, Philosophie. Festschrift fuer Joseph Kohnen.
Zabotkina V. I. (July 2003). Conventiality vs. creativity in Lexicon. Pragmatic-semantic interface. CD-ROM XVII, International congress of linguists.
Zabotkina V. I. (1998). Cognitive-pragmatic approach to lexicological studies. Proceedings. CD-rom of the 16th International Conference of Linguists.
Zabotkina V. I. (1997). Cognitive-pragmatic approach to lexicological studies. CD-ROM XVI International Congress of Linguists.
Zabotkina V. I. (1997). The pragmatics of new words and their translation from English into Russian. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 101. Language History and Linguistic Modelling. A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday. Mouton de Gruyter.
Zabotkina V. I. (1995). Pragmatics and semantics of new Euphemisms in English. Bilding Knuskap, Demokrati: